Monday, January 24, 2011

How to eat in Nachlaot when you're not a trust fund baby!

Ok so just kidding. But all of us no matter where we live or what our backgrounds are, we are all looking for ways to save money, and saving money on food is a great place to start.

People are always shocked when I tell them how little I spend on food a month and always want to know how I do it. I had many ideas on how to share my ideas, recipes, and cooking with others. I thought about cooking up lunch once a week to serve for very inexpensive, then I thought maybe a cooking class, and then a friend suggested writing a book. I thought a blog was a better idea for me, at least for now. So my hope is that each week I will be able to share an idea, a recipe, a thought, just some sort of tasty morsel to help others cook for themselves their family and their friends and not empty their wallets or bank accounts at the same time. Some of the things that I share will be specifically for those who live in Jerusalem and go to the shuk and others are definitely geared towards kosher cooking in Israel but many of the things I do can be used anywhere in the world. If you like something I do, or have a question, have a suggestion or improvement on something or just want to share what you have done, please please please share so that who ever reads "Healthy Cheap Eats" will benefit.
Get your aprons on and head to the pantry and lets get cooking!

And so it begins!


  1. Looking forward to following your blog! It's a wonderful idea!

  2. Hey, little girl! Love this new blog. Can't wait to read more.
